# **Gremlin Complete Cheatsheet**
# Basic Traversals
g.V() # Get all vertices
g.E() # Get all edges
g.V('vertexId') # Find a vertex by ID
g.E('edgeId') # Find an edge by ID
# Filtering
g.V().hasLabel('person') # Find vertices by label
g.V().has('name', 'Alice') # Find vertices with a specific property
g.V().has('age', gt(30)) # Find vertices where age > 30
g.V().has('age', inside(25, 40)) # Find vertices where 25 < age < 40
# Adding Elements
g.addV('person').property('name', 'Alice') # Add a vertex
g.V().addE('knows').to(g.V('vertexId')) # Add an edge between vertices
# Updating Properties
g.V('vertexId').property('name', 'Bob') # Update a property
g.E('edgeId').property('weight', 2.5) # Update edge property
# Removing Elements
g.V('vertexId').drop() # Delete a vertex
g.E('edgeId').drop() # Delete an edge
# Traversals
g.V('vertexId').out('knows') # Outgoing edges with label 'knows'
g.V('vertexId').in('created') # Incoming edges with label 'created'
g.V().out().values('name') # Names of connected vertices
# Counting
g.V().count() # Count vertices
g.E().count() # Count edges
# Path Traversals
g.V('vertexId').out().path() # Path of connected vertices
g.V('vertexId').repeat(out()).times(3).path() # Recursive path traversal
# Looping
g.V('vertexId').repeat(out()).until(has('name', 'Target')).path() # Until a condition
# Grouping and Aggregation
g.V().group().by('age').by(count()) # Group vertices by age
g.V().values('age').mean() # Average age
g.V().groupCount().by('name') # Count vertices by name
# Ordering and Pagination
g.V().order().by('name', asc) # Order by name (ascending)
g.V().range(0, 5) # First 5 vertices
# Subgraph
g.E().has('weight', gt(0.5)).subgraph('sg').cap('sg') # Extract a subgraph
# Properties and Metadata
g.V('vertexId').properties() # Get properties of a vertex
g.E('edgeId').properties() # Get properties of an edge
g.V().valueMap(true) # Get all properties with IDs
# Shortest Path (using repeat)
# Complex Conditions
g.V().has('person', 'name', within('Alice', 'Bob')) # Filter within a set
g.V().or(has('age', gt(50)), has('country', 'USA')) # Logical OR
# Vertex and Edge Labels
g.V().label() # Get labels of vertices
g.E().label() # Get labels of edges
# Edge Traversals
g.E().outV() # Get the outgoing vertex of an edge
g.E().inV() # Get the incoming vertex of an edge
g.E().bothV() # Get both vertices of an edge
# Metrics and Profiling
g.V().profile() # Analyze traversal performance
g.V().explain() # Explain the traversal steps
# Text Searches
g.V().has('name', textContains('Al')) # Partial text search
g.V().has('name', textContainsPrefix('Al')) # Prefix text search