# ---------------------------
# Keys Operations
# ---------------------------
EXISTS key # Check if a key exists. Returns 1 if exists, 0 otherwise.
DEL key # Delete a key.
EXPIRE key seconds # Set a time-to-live (TTL) in seconds for a key.
TTL key # Get the remaining TTL for a key (-2 if non-existent, -1 if no TTL).
KEYS pattern # List all keys matching a pattern.
RENAME oldKey newKey # Rename a key.
TYPE key # Get the data type of the value stored at key.
# ---------------------------
# String Operations
# ---------------------------
SET key value # Set a value for a key.
GET key # Get the value of a key.
SETEX key seconds value # Set a key with an expiration time (in seconds).
INCR key # Increment the integer value of a key by 1.
DECR key # Decrement the integer value of a key by 1.
APPEND key value # Append value to the end of the key's current value.
GETRANGE key start end # Get a substring of the string value stored at key.
# ---------------------------
# Hash Operations
# ---------------------------
HSET key field value # Set the value of a field in a hash.
HGET key field # Get the value of a field in a hash.
HDEL key field # Delete a field from a hash.
HGETALL key # Get all fields and values in a hash.
HINCRBY key field increment # Increment a hash field's value by a given amount.
HLEN key # Get the number of fields in a hash.
# ---------------------------
# List Operations
# ---------------------------
LPUSH key value # Prepend a value to the list.
RPUSH key value # Append a value to the list.
LPOP key # Remove and return the first element of the list.
RPOP key # Remove and return the last element of the list.
LRANGE key start stop # Get a range of elements from the list.
LLEN key # Get the length of the list.
LREM key count value # Remove count occurrences of value from the list.
# ---------------------------
# Set Operations
# ---------------------------
SADD key value # Add one or more members to a set.
SREM key value # Remove one or more members from a set.
SISMEMBER key value # Check if a value is a member of a set (returns 1 or 0).
SMEMBERS key # Get all members of a set.
SCARD key # Get the number of members in a set.
SDIFF key1 key2 # Get members in key1 but not in key2.
# ---------------------------
# Sorted Set (ZSet) Operations
# ---------------------------
ZADD key score member # Add a member to a sorted set with a score.
ZREM key member # Remove a member from a sorted set.
ZRANGE key start stop # Get members in a range (sorted by score).
ZREVRANGE key start stop # Get members in reverse order (sorted by score).
ZSCORE key member # Get the score of a member in a sorted set.
ZRANK key member # Get the rank of a member (sorted by score ascending).
# ---------------------------
# Pub/Sub Operations
# ---------------------------
PUBLISH channel message # Publish a message to a channel.
SUBSCRIBE channel # Subscribe to a channel to listen for messages.
UNSUBSCRIBE channel # Unsubscribe from a channel.
# ---------------------------
# Transactions
# ---------------------------
MULTI # Start a transaction.
EXEC # Execute all commands in the transaction.
DISCARD # Cancel the transaction.
WATCH key # Watch a key for changes to abort the transaction.
# ---------------------------
# Scripting (Lua)
# ---------------------------
EVAL script numkeys key1.. # Evaluate a Lua script directly on the server.
EVALSHA sha numkeys keys # Execute a cached Lua script.
# ---------------------------
# HyperLogLog
# ---------------------------
PFADD key element # Add an element to a HyperLogLog (approximates cardinality).
PFCOUNT key # Get the approximated cardinality from a HyperLogLog.
# ---------------------------
# Geospatial
# ---------------------------
GEOADD key longitude latitude member # Add a geospatial item.
GEODIST key member1 member2 unit # Get the distance between two members.
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius unit WITHCOORD # Get members within a radius.
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius unit WITHDIST # Get members near a specific member.
# ---------------------------
# Stream Operations
# ---------------------------
XADD stream maxlen count id field value # Add an entry to a stream.
XREAD COUNT count STREAMS key id # Read data from one or more streams.
XDEL stream id # Delete an entry from a stream.
# ---------------------------
# 1. Keys Management
# ---------------------------
# Checks if a key exists.
# Example:
SET myKey "value"
EXISTS myKey # Output: 1 (key exists)
EXISTS unknownKey # Output: 0 (key does not exist)
DEL key
# Deletes one or more keys.
# Example:
SET myKey "value"
DEL myKey
EXISTS myKey # Output: 0 (key no longer exists)
EXPIRE key seconds
# Sets a time-to-live (TTL) for a key in seconds.
# Example:
SET tempKey "value"
EXPIRE tempKey 10 # Key will expire after 10 seconds
TTL tempKey # Output: 10 (remaining TTL)
TTL key
# Gets the remaining TTL for a key.
# Example:
SET tempKey "value"
EXPIRE tempKey 10
TTL tempKey # Output: 10
TTL unknownKey # Output: -2 (key does not exist)
KEYS pattern
# Lists all keys matching a pattern.
# Example:
SET key1 "value1"
SET key2 "value2"
KEYS key* # Output: ["key1", "key2"]
RENAME oldKey newKey
# Renames a key.
# Example:
SET oldKey "value"
RENAME oldKey newKey
EXISTS oldKey # Output: 0
EXISTS newKey # Output: 1
TYPE key
# Gets the data type of the value stored at a key.
# Example:
SET myKey "value"
TYPE myKey # Output: "string"
# ---------------------------
# 2. String Operations
# ---------------------------
SET key value
# Sets a value for a key.
# Example:
SET myKey "value"
GET key
# Gets the value of a key.
# Example:
GET myKey # Output: "value"
SETEX key seconds value
# Sets a key with an expiration time (in seconds).
# Example:
SETEX tempKey 10 "value"
TTL tempKey # Output: 10
INCR key
# Increments the integer value of a key by 1.
# Example:
SET counter 5
INCR counter # Output: 6
DECR key
# Decrements the integer value of a key by 1.
# Example:
SET counter 5
DECR counter # Output: 4
APPEND key value
# Appends value to the end of the key's current value.
# Example:
SET myKey "Hello"
APPEND myKey ", World!"
GET myKey # Output: "Hello, World!"
GETRANGE key start end
# Gets a substring of the string value stored at a key.
# Example:
SET myKey "Hello, World!"
GETRANGE myKey 0 4 # Output: "Hello"
# ---------------------------
# 3. Hash Operations
# ---------------------------
HSET key field value
# Sets the value of a field in a hash.
# Example:
HSET myHash field1 "value1"
HGET key field
# Gets the value of a field in a hash.
# Example:
HGET myHash field1 # Output: "value1"
HDEL key field
# Deletes a field from a hash.
# Example:
HSET myHash field1 "value1"
HDEL myHash field1
HGET myHash field1 # Output: (nil)
# Gets all fields and values in a hash.
# Example:
HSET myHash field1 "value1" field2 "value2"
HGETALL myHash # Output: {"field1": "value1", "field2": "value2"}
HINCRBY key field increment
# Increments a hash field's value by a given amount.
# Example:
HSET myHash counter 5
HINCRBY myHash counter 2 # Output: 7
HLEN key
# Gets the number of fields in a hash.
# Example:
HSET myHash field1 "value1" field2 "value2"
HLEN myHash # Output: 2
# ---------------------------
# 4. List Operations
# ---------------------------
LPUSH key value
# Prepends a value to the list.
# Example:
LPUSH myList "item1" "item2"
RPUSH key value
# Appends a value to the list.
# Example:
RPUSH myList "item3"
LPOP key
# Removes and returns the first element of the list.
# Example:
LPUSH myList "item1" "item2"
LPOP myList # Output: "item2"
RPOP key
# Removes and returns the last element of the list.
# Example:
RPUSH myList "item1" "item2"
RPOP myList # Output: "item2"
LRANGE key start stop
# Gets a range of elements from the list.
# Example:
LPUSH myList "item1" "item2" "item3"
LRANGE myList 0 -1 # Output: ["item3", "item2", "item1"]
LLEN key
# Gets the length of the list.
# Example:
LPUSH myList "item1" "item2"
LLEN myList # Output: 2
LREM key count value
# Removes count occurrences of value from the list.
# Example:
LPUSH myList "item1" "item2" "item1"
LREM myList 1 "item1"
LRANGE myList 0 -1 # Output: ["item2", "item1"]
# ---------------------------
# 5. Set Operations
# ---------------------------
SADD key value
# Adds one or more members to a set.
# Example:
SADD mySet "item1" "item2"
SREM key value
# Removes one or more members from a set.
# Example:
SREM mySet "item1"
SISMEMBER key value
# Checks if a value is a member of a set.
# Example:
SISMEMBER mySet "item1" # Output: 1 (true)
# Gets all members of a set.
# Example:
SMEMBERS mySet # Output: ["item2"]
# Gets the number of members in a set.
# Example:
SCARD mySet # Output: 1
SDIFF key1 key2
# Gets members in key1 but not in key2.
# Example:
SADD set1 "a" "b"
SADD set2 "b" "c"
SDIFF set1 set2 # Output: ["a"]